Beach Life

We leave for the beach in just a few days and I cannot WAIT.

My family has been vacationing together for as long as I can remember to the same spot on Alabama’s coast. 
What I love about this trip is that it always serves as a benchmark of sorts. We don’t venture out much from what’s always worked for us so eating at the same places we went when I was twelve isn’t unusual for us. When you grow up in a place, it has a way of reminding you where you’ve come from.
It seems like just yesterday that I was an awkward twelve year old sporting my outlet mall clearance rack Polo tee combing the beach for the cute boys. As a side note: I never found them. Maybe it was the tee shirt? Or the bangs? It’s a toss up.
The beach has a way of helping me to find my center and being with my family in close quarters for a whole week gives me an even greater sense of purpose. Whether it’s building a puzzle with my dad into the wee hours of the morning or taking a walk with my mom every afternoon on the beach; going on a girl’s night out with my sisters or splashing in the waves in the golden hour with my girls. It’s just time well spent.
I love watching my babies enjoy the time with their cousins. I love watching them run from the rising tide squealing with delight as it splashes their little toes. Even the quarreling over sand toys and beach chairs is charming when it’s done by the water in the presence of all my favorite people. Well, almost charming.
Look out for a great big picture dump and blog post when we get back. I hope to have sweet stories to share of all the memories we will make together on this trip. Until then, here are a few from last year’s trip!

Me and my Mom twinning at dinner

snack time!
LOVE this picture of my sweet people!

Missing my brothers and their family + one of my sisters

Hope you’re day is sweet!

Six Sisters

Good Morning and HAPPY FRIDAY!

Growing up in a big family is FUN. I’m the fourth from the top in a family of eight kids. I’ve got two brothers and five sisters.

I love having so many sisters (my brothers are awesome, too!). In our family, if someone was mad at you, there was always someone else who had your back. Alliances were formed on the regular and while mostly civil, if intense arguments did ensue over stolen underwear or ripping the tags off unworn clothing (big time NO NO), and things turned UG-LY, you could still find a shoulder to whine on… whether you were the thief or the victim.

When it came to clothing being shared among the six of us, here were a few general rules:

If my sister said “Oh, I love your top” I could never respond with “Thank you.”

No, no.

The unspoken expectation was that I must divulge all relevant details about said top including, but not limited to, location of purchase, date buying occurred, size, and price (including tax). And if for some reason the information was not readily given, it would be promptly requested.

What’s yours is mine only applies to items that have been worn previously and only if the owner has given permission. You don’t ever, under any circumstances, take an item of clothing that still has tags. I would take a gander that about 95% of the arguments that took place between me and any given sister was over clothes.

At one point my dad (bless him) even said “That’s IT! No one is allowed to borrow anything from anyone.” We all had great respect for my dad but when he threw that out there, I’m fairly certain our response was something like “Good one, Dad.” Not gonna happen. But I do admire him for trying to tear us out of each others closets.

If an article of clothing went missing, anything you said or did could and would be used against you in a court of Dad. And as soon as you left the house, a search without a warrant was permitted. Can’t tell you how many times I found my clothes stuffed under someones bed or in between their mattress even. The lengths we go to save face… and to look cute.

As we got older and people started moving out, the clothes sharing got less and less. Even to this day, when I go to my sister’s houses, one of the first things I want to do is go look in their closets. Old habits die hard, y’all.

Now that we’re all moved out and can’t blame each other for taking something we can’t seem to find, our friendship has gotten even sweeter. I have five built in best friends that would literally drop everything to be there for me.

And they have.

My sisters could poke fun at me all day long but if they find out someone is throwing shade my way, the gloves come off and it’s GO TIME. Hell hath no fury like an older sister protecting her baby sister. And nothing warmed my heart quite like hearing my sister tear someone to shreds on my behalf. Figuratively speaking, of course.

Now that I have two girls, I pray every single day that God would cultivate a sweet friendship between them because I know how amazing it is to have sisters as friends.

I’m thrilled to watch my girls grow up together and I hope as they do, they’ll learn to see the value in one another.

Each of my sisters has strengths that I admire and want to emulate and they will probably never fully understand how much I admire them.

So Karen, Lia, Kristen, Valerie, and Anna… I LOVE YOU!

Thanks for reading, dear friend!

Hope you have the best weekend!

Love, Laura

Sweet as a Peach Party


I’m gearing up for what’s known in our house as the event of the year. When you have two very special birthdays rolled into one party, the expectation is other level.

Rowen turns 2 in the end of July and just 10 days later, Reese will turn 4. To keep from having a complete and total mommy meltdown over my liddo babies getting way too big, I’m throwing myself into party planning mode.

As a former wedding planner, I have a very limited number of events to plan. Lucky for Matt (sorry, babe) we are go big or go home around here. And momma’s not going home.

The idea of a small, simple gathering is not for me. Nothing wrong with those. At. All. Just not in my DNA.

Last year’s theme was Reese and Rowen’s Farmer’s Market and it was a BLAST. For having such a little white house, we have a big ol yard! We had party music, a jumpy house (Reese’s only request, bless her), and the most Americana menu I could come up with. The girls had so much fun and I loved the way it turned out. Win for all!

The picket fence leading into our back yard. We had bunting along the fence and the roof line.

For dessert, we we served my grandmother’s banana pudding in little jars with wooden spoons tied with red and white twine

Fresh veggies and watermelon slices

This vintage wagon held the kettle corn we gave as favors

Loved how this old fashioned scale I found at Good Will worked with our theme

For supper, we served BBQ Chicken sliders, corn on the cob,  and fresh veggies and fruit. For the kiddos, we did hotdogs.

This year we are going with a Sweet as a Peach theme. Once again Reese’s only request is a jumpy house for her and her cousins. Rowen on the other hand is a girl after my own heart. Her only request? Pink cupcakes. #justhereforthefoodyall

I know the days are coming when themes will go further into the Sofia the First direction, so I have to take full advantage of what little time I have left!

Here’s some of my inspiration so far…

These are the invites we went with!

Thinking of doing something like these for favors. Maybe wrapped in cellophane and tied with ribbon. 

Love the splash of turquoise 

Leave it to me to get inspiration for my kids birthday party from a wedding. Old habits die hard, y’all.

Stay tuned to find out what direction we end up going in with all these pretty ideas!

Thanks for stopping by!

