I felt kind of selfish when I first wrote this one down on my list.
But the more I think on it, the more I am convinced that this is one of the most important things I can do to make this year different than any year prior.
I’ve spent a lot of time doing what I think I should love. Doing what I think I’m good at. Doing what I’ve done in the past. Doing what others expect of me. But what about the things that make me come alive? What about the things that I haven’t even discovered I’m good at because I’ve been to afraid to attempt them? What about the big dreams that I pushed aside because I’m too… (fill in the blank).
I want to use this time I’ve been given to find out what I love. Then do more of that.
I know there are things I do because they need to be done. Those things will still be done. Duh.
But this is the year to break out of the mold and try new things, try old things again, and try not to squander any of the gifts God placed in me to fulfill HIS purpose.
To do more of what I love, I’ll need to…
coffee with friends more
sing more
decorate and design more
thrift more
run more
laugh more
write more
encourage others more
do house projects more
memorize scripture more
rest more
date my man more
talk to my kids more
With only so much time in a day, I’ll need to also make a list of what things I need to do less of. That one might hurt a bit more. But really, my more list looks like so much fun, I don’t think I’ll mind getting rid of whatever I need to in order to make the good stuff happen.
What do you want more of this upcoming year?